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State sting ends with 186 minors cited for being in Sugar House bar



Salt Lake City, Utah – After an inquiry into allegations of “serious violations” of Utah’s alcohol regulations, more than 180 minors were given penalties for being inside a Sugar House pub.

The lengthy inquiry, according to the Utah Department of Public Safety, spanned several months and involved claims of excessive service and underage drinking at the Sugar House Pub, which is situated just west of Sugar House Park.

Multiple DUI charges connected to the club earlier in the year are said to have prompted the probe.

After months of gathering evidence, State Bureau of Investigation agents reportedly conducted a four-hour operation on November 22. At least 50 phony IDs were seized as a result of that operation, and 186 minors in the bar received criminal citations. Six of the customers in the bar at the time of the operation, according to DPS, were 17 years old.

Commissioner Jess L. Anderson stated, “This operation represents a significant turning point in our state’s alcohol enforcement.” “A new benchmark for public safety has been set by the commitment and expertise of our State Bureau of Investigation and their partners.”

The Sugar House Pub was reported for administrative action by investigators to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Services. The DABS database indicates that Sugar House Pub’s bar license is still in effect as of December 1.

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